
Page 133:  'Shug say children got by incest turn into dunces.  Incest part of the devil's plan.' 

What does this statement reveal about Celie's beliefs?  

Note:  She mentions 'devil' - suggesting a belief in religion - that the devil exists
           She still thinks he 'Pa' Alphonso - was her real father - and thereby the act of sex he had with her was incestuous and her children Olivia and Adam are therefore destined to be 'dunces'.

Page 159:  'Pa is not our pa!' Celie learns that her children are born from Aphonso who married her Mother after her husband had been killed by racists for running a successful business.  

These two factors, along with her inspirational role models of Sofia, Shug and Nettie, result in a growth in confidence sufficient to force her to take a stand against Albert.

She revisits her Pa with Shug and finds him with a fifteen year old (Daisy), looks for her mother's grave but finds no sign.  

Celie eventually begins to see the world in a different light, thanks to the infleunec of Shug; that God isn't necessarilly an angry white man ready to attack her for being black and female; that she can stand up to Albert and make her own way in the world; with Shug's help she can start her own business and become independent, finally inheriting her own house and having the men come to help her - but on her own terms.   

This victory of a woman against such odds and in such a time that to be 'poor, black and ugly' meant very little chance of success in life, gives hope to every individual facing seemingly insurmountable odds.