Part 5: Page 179 -230.

Page 179:  Celie begins writing to Nettie.  

The Dinner Scene:

Shug tells everyone that they are leaving.  But when she announces:  'Celie is coming with us' - suddenly the menfolk realise they're going to lose their workhorse.   

'But Nettie and my children coming home soon, I say.  And when she do, all us together gonna whup your ass.'  

This extract demonstrates Celie's new-found confidence as she speaks out against the men, jabs a knife in the hand of Albert and defends Sofia against Harpo.  Even Mary Agnes is inspired to walk out on the men (Sofia doesn't, perhaps because Harpo is at least willing to change, and Sofia's needed at Miss Eleanor's house).  

'Squeak, Mary Agnes, what difference do it make?'  (Harpo).
It make a lot, say Squeak.  When I was Mary Agnes I could sing in public.'

'You black, you pore, you ugly, you a woman.  Goddam, he say, you nothing at all. (Albert).

Celie manages to control her response and avoid killing Albert.  She is reminded of what Sofia suffered as a result of her reaction to Miss Millie. 

'I'm pore, I'm black, I may be ugly and can't cook, a voice say to everything listening.  But I'm here. '

What do you think she means by 'a voice say to everything listening'?  

Page 188:  Celie moves into Shug's house in Memphis.  She notes the round bed and her plans for a round house made of mud.  It is as if Shug demands not to conform to any of society's norms.  

Page 189:   Celie starts to make pants for Shug and Mary Agnes.  

Page 193:   Forms 'Folkspants Unlimited'.    

Page 196:   Celie visits Sofia on the death of her Mother - Sofia and her sisters are the pall-bearers which further demonstrates the men's predicament; they appear to want the appearance of strength, but aren't prepared to demonstrate it.

Page 198:  Celie introduces them to Cannabis.  

'I think I know what it is, I say.
They say, What?
I say, Everything. 
Yeah, they say.  That makes a lots of sense.'    

Page 201:
Albert appears to have begun to look after himself and seek assistance in religion.   Sofia reveals that Albert suffered what appears to have been a breakdown; but Harpo made him send Celie the rest of Nettie's letters and this aided his recovery.   

Page 204:
Nettie reveals that she has married Samuel.  She also talks of meeting Doris on the boat to england as she tries to raise funds for the Olinka.  

Page 216:  Tashi decides to have the facial scarring and mutulation ceremony of the Olinka people.  

Why do you think Tashi might have made this decision to undergo these ceremonies?  Painful and enduring, what possible benefit could they bring Tashi? 

Page 220:  Adam sees Tashi with her scars and runs off.   She is ashamed of them and keeps her head low.  

Page 221:  Celie and Shug go back to the house she's inherited once Alphonso has died - it's in the name of her real father so Alphonso had no claim on it.  Daisy has to move out with her two children (and one expecting).

Page 224:  Shug reveals she has a new boyfriend of nineteen; Germaine.   Mary Agnes is now based in Panama with Grady (Shug's ex) running a Reefer plantation. 

Page 228:  Henrietta (one of Sofia's children, first mentioned page 182) nursed back to health with help from Albert.  Albert starts seeing Celie as attractive:

'I saw it, but I just too big a fool to let myself care.'  

'We still man and wife, you know, he say. '

'Naw, I say, we never was'.  

Although Celie was married, she seems to think she wasn't.  That it didn't count.

What does this comment suggest is Celie's attitude towards marriage?  

Are there any other occasions in the book where Celie reveals her attitude towards marriage?