Thursday 1 September 2011


Welcome to AS English Language and Literature.  Your exam will be in January so you need to start reading and studying The Color Purple in the first week.  Buy the copy of the book shown on the tab (page 3-14) above and try to read ahead, note also the video bar on the right which shows related videos on The Color Purple.  Use the tabs above to read and back up anything you haven't understood in the lesson, but also to use as a reference.  I have set writing tasks for you to do - these are essential to enhance your understanding of the book and get used to writing in the style required for the exam.  The red type indicates questions and exercises.  

I will mark all of the exercises you submit to me.

Click on the email tab to the right in order for me to be able to notify you on tasks, news and homework.         

Laurie (English and Media)

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